Monday, October 25, 2010


Michigan Football had a bye week this past weekend and I didn’t have a wedding... so I had a WHOLE weekend to catch up on whatever non-football nor wedding related things I’ve been neglecting for the past two months.  I basically live and breathe football from Labor day to OSU weekend, and I love it!  But this weekend in lieu of watching football, I watched some random TV... This may have been a mistake.  

I caught an episode of The Biggest Loser.  On this particular season the contestants ran a marathon.  Although I don’t watch this show consistently, I generally enjoy the concept.  It brings out my dorky Public Health side.  I like that the show encourages people to be healthy (...ignoring the fact that they get “healthy” in a not so healthy way..), but I have to say this episode just pissed me off.  

While I was in the hospital my sister got me one of these:
It mirrored my thoughts about my stroke perfectly, and still does.  Because, really? WTF.  Watching The Biggest Loser brought back a lot of these feelings.  I still don’t understand why I, a perfectly healthy 22 year-old with a healthy life-style who training for 6 months, had a stroke while running THE FIRST SIX MILES...While the contestants of this show, morbidly obese people with unhealthy life-styles were able to finish... W.T.F.  and then to put a cherry on top of this, midway through this episode they showed a commercial for Subway.  Apparently, Jared, the guy who lost tons of weight by eating Subway, is also running in the New York City Marathon.  Good for you, Jared...

This is still an issue I really struggle with post-stroke and usually I just accept it, but occasionally I still have these W.T.F moments.  Really, there isn’t any point of playing, the “Why-Me?” Game.  I guess its just part of life and life isn’t always fair.  Maybe my stroke happened for some reason that I’ll figure out down the line, or maybe its just a sucky part of life, I’m not sure yet.  But for now...I guess I’ll just have to eat more Subway.


  1. It's hard to figure out why stuff happens for sure. Well, at least you got a cute fleece bunny out of it...?? Here is the etsy shop...she has some really cute and funny stuff:

  2. Dangit. Now I want a sub... :)
